Test-Retest Reliability of a Conventional Gait Model for Registering Joint Angles during Initial Contact and Toe-Off in Healthy Subjects 02.02.2021
Ankle muscle activation during the limits of stability test in subjects with chronic ankle instability 20.11.2020
Effects of contemporary dance and physiotherapy intervention on balance and postural control in Parkinson's disease 02.11.2020
Reliability of Kinovea ® Software and Agreement with a Three-Dimensional Motion System for Gait Analysis in Healthy Subjects 02.06.2020
[Observational gait scale for persons with lower extremity amputation. Design and content validity] 06.02.2020
Functional electrical stimulation improves reaching movement in the shoulder and elbow muscles of stroke patients: A three-dimensional motion analysis 24.08.2019
Examination of the reliability of Gait Assessment and Intervention Tool in patients with a stroke 01.10.2017
Limits of stability in patients with vascular (due to diabetes) and nonvascular unilateral transtibial amputation: a cross-sectional study 17.06.2017
The Use of Functional Electrical Stimulation on the Upper Limb and Interscapular Muscles of Patients with Stroke for the Improvement of Reaching Movements: A Feasibility Study 10.05.2017
Low Latency Estimation of Motor Intentions to Assist Reaching Movements along Multiple Sessions in Chronic Stroke Patients: A Feasibility Study 17.03.2017