Functional electrical stimulation improves reaching movement in the shoulder and elbow muscles of stroke patients: A three-dimensional motion analysis



Background: Recovery of motor function following stroke is essential to restore adequate functionality. The use of functional electrical stimulation (FES) technology as a neuroprosthesis to enhance the motor function of the UL, and thus facilitate the performance of ADL, could lead to a stroke patient's greater activity and participation in daily life.

Objective: The aim of the present study was to establish whether the application of FES in patients who have suffered a stroke with UL motor impairment is able to modify and facilitate their reaching patterns, measured by a three-dimensional motion capture system.

Methods: 20 patients with chronic stroke participated in this study. For muscle stimulation, the electrical stimulator Compex® was used. Motion analysis was performed using the VICON Motion System®. Joint movements of the thorax, shoulder and elbow were analyzed in the sagittal plane, during the reaching movement under two different conditions of stimulation: FES condition and placebo condition.

Results: Differences between FES condition and placebo condition were observed. In the FES condition it was recorded: an increased shoulder flexion and elbow extension in the reaching movement.

Conclusions: Functional electrical stimulation improved reaching movement in stroke patients with upper limb impairment.

Keywords: Electric Stimulation Therapy, Movement disorders, Paresis, Range of Motion, Stroke, Upper extremity..

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